Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Yesterday and today I spent a total of 12 hours writing a draft of a users manual for training people that work under me, and for another state agency. (That sounds more grandiose than it is.) A 36 page document: title page, "version" page, TOC, and 33 pages of useful stuff and appendices.

Remind me again why they cut my contract rate 10%?

How Insensitive

How insensitive can VDOT be? Well, they're all racists, and didn't even realize it.
There's a new turn in the debate over high occupancy toll lanes or HOT lanes.

A lawsuit filed by Arlington County last month claims the lanes benefit wealthy white people and discriminates against minorities. While the only rule to get in the HOV lanes on Interstate 395 is you must have three people in the car, Arlington claims adding HOT lanes would cut out poor and minorities by defacto.
'Cause you can't get three minorities in a car without... I guess I'd better stop right there.
"It is not our intention to play a race card. I think that's a very divisive approach," Favola told FOX5.
But we will, because we think there's some money in it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The PhD Cook is in the House

Winnie has started to post some of the things she is cooking for us. Yup, we're Cooking with the PhD.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Public Humiliation is Sweeeet

Nope. I didn't do it, but here is a sign that popped up on the edge of the parking lot down the street by some local businesses. Winnie says "better them than us", as we used to find the MD20/20 bottles out in front of our house.

Can anyone tell me how to look up, for free this VA license plate? It might be nice to send her a copy.

Plate Tectonics

650 Million Years in 1 Min. and 20 Sec.