We have a houseful of furry four-footed children. Well, more or less. Maybe more like two dog children and two dog grandchildren. On left and right above are Curry and Cinnamon, the parents of the two in the center Coriander (top) and Sweet Woodruff (bottom). Cinnamon had a total of 8 puppies in February 2005, and I wrote about them extensively on my other web page at that time.
The boys are all grown up now (again, more or less), and quite the characters. It's funny to have people ask us how we can tell them apart. We can generally tell who is who without even looking up from whatever we are doing. Size, color, demeanor, the feel of their coat. They're all good clues. I'll have more to say about each as I go, but suffice that they're all sweeties, and each has a real definite character.
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