Back in the 1940s, the road we live on was the main route north through the county. At that time US 17 came right up our street, but traffic wasn't too heavy as it involved a ferry crossing that could only take about 20 cars at a time.
In the 1950s they built a bridge, and it has since been widened further. Now, US 17 runs one block behind our house, but also carries about 40,000 cars a day. The county, in their wisdom, has decreed that property for 200 ft on either side of this highway is to be zoned commercial. That is, to say, including our house. So there's nothing we can do about it when big ol' businesses move in next door. Like the bank a block over.
This picture was taken from our driveway. We have very convenient access to time and temperature, 24x7, at the bank. But,we no longer have neighbors over there with kids and swing sets and such, since they tore down houses to build it. Explain to me again, why was this an improvement? Ah, well, maybe we'll make a fortune when we sell some day.
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