Sunday, February 22, 2009

So, I got a promotion

I am now the "GIS Roadway Centerline Manager" for the Virginia Department of Transportation. I have a staff of five editors working for me, and a QA/QC manager to come (my old assignment). We will be trying to get all of the centerlines up to snuff so we can build a decent linear referencing system.

To date the Interstates build pretty good, and short little subdivision secondaries are OK, but lord what problems in every oher road! We have crazy deadlines for trying to get at least some sort of LRS working. This is causing me to do 50+hr weeks right now because, frankly, I'm a good editor, and have the best understanding of the data model, so I'm doing a lot of it myself.

I'm still an IT consultant, so they can still "fire his ass" at will. Interestingly enough, my main contact outside of VDOT may be my former manager that originally coined that phrase. The job change also resulted in a higher pay grade, and a sizable increase in my hourly rate. Now I'm dealing with my own company where my immediate supervisor is telling me that my getting a raise out of this is "not automatic". Like *expletive* hell!

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