Sunday, February 04, 2007

Darwin Awards - Part III

This time, from Texas. Copper gets them again.
The death of 28-year-old Michael Lee Williams Saturday morning is believed by law enforcement to have been caused by electrocution from copper wires he was allegedly stealing.

At the scene, Walker reported, he saw a pair of large red wire cutters tangled in the guide wires to the power pole. “It appears the deceased had attempted to use this guide wire as a ground for the wire cutters,” the report states. On top of the meter loop, he found a shoe print that matched Mr. Williams’ shoe, and a hat and glove were nearby. Walker’s report states “It was apparent from the cut wiring that the deceased had attempted to cut the copper wire from the power pole drop to the meter loop. During this endeavor the deceased had accidentally touched two hot wires together, causing the circuit to be completed, and he was electrocuted.”
Do you remember those copper bracelets that were supposed to cure your arthritis, and attract positive energy, etc.? Maybe what copper is attracting is just a mysterious force I will henceforth dub "stupid." As in "the 'stupid' really seem to be drawn toward this."

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