Saturday, July 07, 2007

Robert Heinlein 100th Anniversary

Robert Anson Heinlein was born 100 years ago today in Butler, Missouri. He attended the United States Naval Academy, but was disability retired a few years later. Struggling to make a decent living, he stumbled across writing, and the rest is histories. Or, histories. Future ones.

I came across my first Heinlein book in about the 8'th grade in the school library. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. I was hooked. I read everything of his I could find in that library, and the town library.

The intro pages always said "author of Stranger in a Strange Land", but that title was never on the shelves. I didn't see it in any of the stores, either. Finally, on a summer break after 9'th grade, in Toronto, I came on a copy, and bought it. Thank god my parents had darn little interest in what I was reading. Was there ever any other "literature" that was more subversive to the general social order?

My favorite series of stories had to center on the life of Lazarus Long. so, even though his passing 20 years ago saddens me, I still wonder every time I see the names Sperling or Weatheral in the newspaper. Is there someone out there who approaches a stranger as slips into the conversation "life is short..."

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