Sunday, July 08, 2007

Wedding Day

Erin, please tell me yours will be nothing like this.

1 comment:

Erin said...

*laughs butt off*

No the rule with Erin and scissors is that she's only allowed to use them to trim out individual split hairs. I've trimmed my hair completely before but wasn't happy (it was respectable but I like a straight line cut rather than the curved one I can give myself). But really, that's why you do test runs with the hair stylist dude before the wedding.

But obviously you haven't seen me when I'm hormonal and not having a good time pant shopping and such. Poor Mark has had to deal with me sobbing in bed at night because I feel too fat either after a shopping trip or an attempt to try on clothes I haven't worn in awhile. Erin go slightly crazy. . .