Sunday, November 11, 2007

Mmmmm, Chili

Tonight I am making beef chili. Not for us, but to take to work on Tuesday. We are having a "going away" for one of my coworkers. USA Major Carr has been called back for a second tour in Iraq. Last time he was gone for about 18 months, and I think he's only been back about 2 years.

I'm hoping this will come out pretty good. Winnie set out all of the spices for me before she went off to band practice tonight. So far it looks, smells, and tastes good.

It's bound to be better than the dinner I made Friday. I did a chicken pot pie, with lots of vegetables and white meat chicken. It looked great. It tasted awful. Mikey has a disturbing tendency to cook without tasting. Otherwise he would have known it needed about 4 times as much salt as I put in. The only salt you could taste, was where I sprinkled a little across the top of the crust. It could also have used some thyme or something.

And then there was the matter of the vegetables. I tried not to over cook them before it all went in the oven, and the result was the potatoes, parsnips and carrots were all hard.

But the dogs loved it.


Erin said...

Oh no. I've been doing beef stew lately here as we're getting grey marine layer-y days and because Mark likes it. I fully admit to playing at dumping half a bottle of Two Buck Chuck or whatever cheap-ish but okay to drink red wine I can get at Trader Joes to make the stew. But as of late I've taken to making things you can salt after the fact- I like things a bit salter than everyone else.

Michael Ryan said...

The reaction I got today was "that chili was awesome!" All hail Chef Winnie. (I was just the sous-chef.)