Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Just when we think were almost past rabies season, this crops up (about 5 miles from us). -
Guinea residents, already stunned that a coyote might be stalking livestock on a Jenkins Neck farm, might be in for more of a shock. Two men recently sighted what appears to be a black bear roaming the community.

As word spread of a mysterious animal that slaughtered and partially consumed several animals on a Guinea family's rural property, a consensus grew that it was the work of a coyote that moved into the area. But the experiences of two men, in separate incidents, suggest a bear might also be making a home there as well.

While coyotes are known to be in the county - and wildlife experts suggest their populations are moving east - a black bear is almost unheard of in the Guinea marshlands.

Jenkins Neck resident John Owens said he saw an unusual animal about a month ago as he drove to the Achilles store on Guinea Road.

He said he is still unsure what he saw lumbering across Maryus Road just before dark.

Kevin Banes, who lives on a boat at the Crown Pointe Marina near Perrin Creek, said the animal he saw from his boat in the early morning hours two weeks ago was undoubtedly a bear.

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