Thursday, October 12, 2006

Kyoto Goals

From the Guardian Unlimited:
"Europe's security of electricity supply is facing a growing threat, with generating capacity ahead of rising demand by the lowest ever level, according to a report published today...This week Powergen parent E.ON UK said it had applied to build two units at its coal-fired station at Kingsnorth, Kent, which the company says would represent a £1bn investment. Yesterday RWE, which owns npower, said it was bringing another 500megawatt unit at its oil-fired Fawley plant in Hampshire back into service after being mothballed for more than a decade."
I don't get it, wasn't Europe going to cut their CO2 output, which certainly isn't helped by coal-fired power plants? They should be working on closing these plants permanently, not building them? Or have they changed their minds, and decided electricity is good?

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