Friday, March 09, 2007

Family News Update

I've seen it said that you should be careful what sorts of things you post. This is mostly for friends and family, but I have done Google searches and come up with my own blog as one of the results. None the less...

Last week I went into the blood drive in my building to donate. I've been doing this off and on for decades now, and I've donated around five gallons. Only once was I refused, when the phlobotomist bruised me up, missing the vein with the needle. Until last Wednesday, that is. This time I was refused because my blood pressure was way too high. I had seen my pressure creeping up when checked at donation time, but not like this.

I went to the doctor the next day to have this checked on. Sure enough, it was high. Even higher than the day before. EKG and chest x-ray look good. They took blood samples to check for diabetes, and I go back for a fasting cholesterol test in a couple weeks. In the meantime, they've started me on some medicine to lower my pressure, and baby aspirin to thin the blood. With any luck I'll lose a few pounds (I was at 239#) between now and then, too.


Anonymous said...

Keep us updated. You know dad has diabetes so you will have to be carefull!!

Michael Ryan said...

Uh, no. That he has diabetes is news to me. That's what happens when all you know comes from occasional phone calls.

Erin said...

Shit. Now I'm getting close to what you weight and you're actually able to reach stuff at the top of the cabinet.

(Ohh and my first comment in a long time! The stupid image word verification hasn't been showing up in the last week until now)