Friday, September 15, 2006

And if you were right...

Some stories just boggle the mind. In Denver a guy got into a pushing match with some cops at a party. He went away, but got egged into going back to the party, this time with a gun.
Gomez-Garcia said he returned to shoot the two officers after he and friends were prevented from re-entering the party.

Garcia-Gomez contended that he never meant to kill the officers and believed they would be protected by bulletproof vests.

Bishop was wearing one. Young wasn’t.

Garcia-Gomez said be believed all police officers wore bulletproof vests because his father, a drug dealer in Los Angeles, previously worked as a policeman in Mexico and told him they were required.

"I never thought he was going to die," Gomez-Garcia said. "I went back to fire some shots at them, not to kill. When you get mad, you may do something you don’t mean to."

A charming individual, and family. Mr. Gomez-Garcia was convicted today of second degree murder, and faces up to 96 years in prison.

But, for a moment, let's accept his explanation and assume he really thought the officers would be unhurt by being shot in the back six times. Had he considered what a police officer's response to being shot in the back was likely to be? Was he expecting them to say "well, I guess we're even now, huh?" I rather expect that we would instead be hearing about the gross disproportion in the several shots they would have then fired into him.

In the meantime, I have no doubt what direction the defense lawyers will go at both sentencing and in their appeals.

Gomez-Garcia, who only attended a couple years of school and is nearly illiterate...

Poor Mexicans! They just don't know any better!

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