Sunday, September 03, 2006

Hurricane Ernesto - #3

OK, so it was a tropical depression when it got to us. Still did plenty of damage. Lots of trees down, flooding, power out to 150,000. So, I'm at Starbucks toight.

Most severe for us a tree has fallen into our power line. Everyone aroound us has power, but when we try to turn things on, they fry. Set a surge protector on fire. Scares the hell out of us, so all breakers are turned off. I've called an electrician to check out the wiring in the house. Dominion says most everyone should be fixed by tomorrow night. I sure hope so. But I want it checked before I turn things back on.

Fortunately, we went out for breakfast on Saturday, and then "what the hell, let's go into Lowe's" just as a shipment of generators arrived. So for $700 I'm the proud owner of a big honkin' gasoline engine. We run it for an hour a couple times a day to power the refrigerator, and a fan.

Well, almost time to go back to a dark house.

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