Friday, February 22, 2008

22 February 2005 - Day Six

More visitors today! Dave Gauthier and Erica Westcott came by. They aren't really looking for another dog, but are buying a house on a half acre up county, so if we need a temporary home for anybody...

These little guys are starting to push up and try to walk. It makes them look more clumsy than before, because they try to stand up, and then fall over. Before, they just scooted around on their bellies like seals.

* Pup #1 - 'Spiral' - 23 ounces (+1)
* Pup #2 - "Big girl' - 24 ounces (+3, on top again)
* Pup #5 - 'Bitty girl' - 19 ounces (+2)
* 'Arrowhead' - 27 ounces (+1)
* 'Island' - 21 ounces (no change - watch this)
* 'Big Boy' - 26 ounces (+2)
* 'Short Stocking' - 23 ounces (+2)
* 'Blaze' - 24 ounces (no change - watch this)

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