Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Quiet Sunday Evening

I thought I'd write this sooner, from home, but here I am at work.

Sunday we had an amazing windstorm as a cold front came through. It blew for hours. First the TV and Internet went out. Then there was a big crack and out went the lights. It turned out that the next door neighbor's maple tree, in the front yard broke, and a section up to about 3 ft across came down across the power lines. The tree caught on fire, and it took three and a half hours to get the tree off the lines and the power back on.

Unfortunately, we must have missed an automated response step in reporting our other outage. I called the cable company last night, and my problem was news to them. They say it will probably be Friday before they can get anyone out to look at it.

So, no TV, no Internet, until then.

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